Thursday, 23 July 2009

When Two Isn't Enough

There are quite a few things in life that I don’t think I will ever understand. These include religion, advanced mathematics, and how to resist the Selfridges sale. But as much as I’d like to think about shopping, it’s the topic of cheating on a partner that I am going to focus on here.

I believe relationships should be monogamous. By entering into one, two people, especially in marriage, are essentially agreeing to be with each other, and each other alone. If you want to go off and shag someone else then do it – but end the relationship first. I’ve never cheated on any of my boyfriends so I can’t say, but I’m pretty certain that the cheaters would soon have some choice words for their other halves if they found out they’d been screwing their best friend/brother/a randomer from the pub (delete as appropriate) behind their backs.

We live in a greedy society, and cheating is just another example of it. Men, and women, I’m not going to be gender biased here, are having their cake and (literally) eating it. Some people say things like, ‘Oh, I had an affair because I love my partner and don’t want to leave them, but I needed to spice up my sex life.’ I’m sorry, but if you loved your partner even a tiny amount as much as you say you do, then you’d do your damn hardest to discuss your bedroom issues and make things better before the thought of going off with someone else even crossed your mind.

In the paper the other day, I saw Steve Jones the presenter saying that he thought it was preposterous that there’s only one person for everyone and as a result doesn’t want to get into a relationship. At first I thought it was quite sad that he’d never got to experience the great things that people get out of relationships, all because he wants to bed every woman he can get his hands on. But giving it more thought, I realise that I actually admire him in some warped way. I’d much rather a guy like him stood up and recognised the fact that he wants to sleep around than enter into the pretence of a relationship and cheat in order to satisfy himself. Girls that enter into whatever with him know from the very beginning where they stand, and they won’t end up hurt six months down the line when they think everything is perfect, only to discover his indiscretions splashed across the cover of The Sun.

I don’t necessarily agree with the rather promiscuous attitude he seems to flaunt, but I do agree with his honest attitude. The effect it will have on the person who is cheated on will be far greater than the half an hour of fun you might have rolling about with someone else. As a society, we need to become less selfish, and being honest and faithful with your partner seems like a pretty good place to start.

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