Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Cole The Shots

Forget world poverty and mass fighting, the big news today is that Cheryl Cole's debut solo single 'Fight For This Love' is set to be number one this weekend and hold the record for the best selling single of the year after shifting 200,000 units on it's first day of release alone. Anyone who watches X Factor would have to agree that Cole seems like a really lovely and genuine girl, and has definitely soared in public opinion over the last couple of years. Putting on an incredibly brave face when her husband's infidelities came to light earned her particular kudos with the notoriously difficult-to-win-over female audience and her feisty attitude towards Simon Cowell earned her respect from everyone else.

However, this does not make one worthy of the best selling song of the year, particularly when the song in question is, I'm sorry, undeniably bland and will no doubt have been forgotten about in twelve months time. Mrs. Cole doesn't have the best live singing voice by a long way, but this rather crucial factor is made slightly better by the fact she herself doesn't believe or try to convince you otherwise. However much critics or I may lambaste this song, the fact is that the charts are a reflection of the record buying public. Not that this is always a good thing by any means, but there is nothing anyone can do about it so we will just have to roll with the sometimes painful pop punches.

The UK papers were buzzing on Monday morning about her first solo live performance on the X Factor the previous night, whether it be criticising the fact that she mimed the second half of the song, or that she (incredibly) pulled off a better overall performance than Whitney Houston did subsequently. The fact is, everybody seems to be missing one major element in all of this and it's the one that concerns me most: where the hell did she get that jacket and how can I get one? Yes, the rest of the outfit was pretty shocking, with trousers slit to the hip being more than just a tad dubious, but we can overlook this because her jacket was so damn incredible. Four seasonal trends in one piece is pretty impressive, you have to admit. Shoulder pads? Check. Military design? Got it. Crazy embellishment? Definitely there. Stand out red colour? Absolutely. 
Yes, Cheryl may not have the best singing voice or songwriting team, but the song is bearable on the ears and almost respectable compared to some of the other atrocities that litter up the charts these days. Plus, she has a much-coveted stylist and I'd quite like to be her friend. That's good enough for me. 


  1. I knew you'd love that jacket!!! I thought she was immense. The song is a grower, I think.

  2. The song is brilliant and she is brilliant.
